Fitbit – Night Time

I developed a clock face for the Fitbit range of smart watches which supports a wide range of features.

  • dimmed, orange night mode during configurable night-time period (or other colours if desired)
  • configurable date format
  • configurable display of up to four statistics
    • steps
    • floors
    • calories or kilojoules
    • active zone minutes
    • distance (in metres, kilometres or miles)
    • seconds
  • heartrate with animated heartbeat
  • battery level

It also supports “always on” mode.

One stat can also be made bigger by tapping on it, for those of us with deteriorating eyesight 👓

If you use this clock face and like it, a 2.50 CHF/EUR/GBP/USD donation would be appreciated: through PayPal:


How do I configure the clock face?

Most configuration is through the Fitbit application on your phone – see here for more details: The configuration page looks like something lie this (depending on your phone OS):

Settings page

How do I choose 12 or 24 hour time?

Via your Fitbit account settings:

The date is wrong!

Most likely the day and month are not the way you expect them – you can select the date format in the configuration (on the Fitbit phone app).

Can you add oxygen level (SpO2)?

Unfortunately not at this time – according to Fitbit the display of oxygen level is classed as a medical device, so only their own certified clock faces can show them.

Why do some statistics not show or show an X?

Not all watches support all statistics (particularly the Lite has less options).

Permission to access statistics may not have been granted – see here for more details:

Why do some numbers overlap?

Some statistics are longer than others and it’s hard to fix the width of the numbers.

Try putting the statistics in a different order, so smaller numbers are between the larger ones.

How do I configure the night-time colour / range?

  • Set the “Night Start” to when you want the night time colour to begin.
  • Set the “Night End” to when you want the night time colour to end.
  • To have no night time colour, set both Start and End to the same value.

The clock face won’t install / uninstall

Try restarting the watch:

Version History

3.2 Fixed issues with time format introduced in v3.1. Note the (broken) option to explicitly format the time has been removed (for now).

3.1 Added translations to DE, IT, ES in the Settings for the clockface on the phone app. Unfortunately this also broke the time formatting – please upgrade to v3.2 if you have this version!

3.0 Significant update to add selectable statistics.