Confluence User Cloud Macro

This user macro will display users in a specific group in a cloud-like format, as shown below.

## Macro Name: user-cloud
## Macro title: User Cloud
## Description: Displays a list of users in a cloud-like format
## Category: Confluence content
## Body processing: Unrendered

## @param Group:title=Group|type=string|required=true|desc=Group name
## @param MinWidth:title=Minimum Width|type=string|required=true|desc=Minimum width in CSS units (e.g. px)|default=120px
## @param PicSize:title=Picture Size|type=string|required=true|desc=Picture height in CSS units (e.g. px)|default=60px
## @param Border:title=Border Colour|type=string|required=false|desc=Border Colour
## @param Fill:title=Fill Colour|type=string|required=false|desc=Fill Colour

#foreach($user in $userAccessor.getMembers($userAccessor.getGroup($paramGroup)))
  <span style="background: $paramFill; min-width: $paramMinWidth; text-align: center; display: inline-block; border: 1px solid $paramBorder; padding: 6px; margin: 8px; border-radius: 4px">
    <img style="height: $paramPicSize; border-radius: 3px" src="$userAccessor.getUserProfilePicture($user).getUriReference()"><br/>
    <a href="/display/~$user.getName()">$user.getFullName()</a>

The layout can be customized for border, background, minimum width of block, and picture height; each item is a span which will flow depending on the width which in turn depends on the specified minimum and the name length.

Names are links to the user’s profile page.

The image below can be used as the icon.

Confluence – hiding content from PDF export

Confluence has the ability to produce reasonable PDF exports of pages, which can be further customized using CSS to add corporate logos, footers etc.

As a wiki much of the power comes from dynamic features such as links to related items, or making notes at the end of pages, but this is not always appropriate or useful in a static export.

The following macro adds a section to a page which will not be exported.

Creating the Macro

Create a new User Macro (Administration – Configuration – User Macros) with the following details

|Macro Name|hidden-pdf-panel| |Visibility|Visible to all users in the Macro Browser| |Macro Title|Hidden PDF Panel| |Description|A panel which will be hidden when exported to PDF| |Categories|Formatting| |Documentation URL|This page URL| |Macro Body Processing|Rendered|

Template code below

## Macro title: Hidden PDF Panel
## Macro has a body: Y
## Body processing: Rendered

## @noparams

<div class="pdfhidden" style="position: relative; margin: 0px -8px; border: 2px dashed #CCCCCC; padding: 4px"><div style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #CCCCCC; position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 2px">hidden</div>$body</div>

Setting the CSS for the PDF Export

Edit the Global PDF Styles (Administration – Look and Feel – PDF Stylesheet) to add the following CSS snippet at the end:

/* Hidden panels */
div.pdfhidden {
  display: none;

That’s it – you can now use the macro on pages to have non-PDF-exported content, like this: